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वर्णमाला के भेद

Topic ► 【वर्ण माला】 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ नमस्कार दोस्तों  वर्णों के समूह को वर्णमाला कहते हैं। इसमें 52 वर्ण होते हैं और 11 स्वर होते हैं। मूल व्यंजनों की संख्या 33 होती है जबकि कुल व्यंजन 52 होते हैं। दो उच्छिप्त व्यंजन , चार सयुंक्त व्यंजन एवं दो अयोगवाह होते हैं। वर्णमाला के भेद -  वर्णमाला को मुख्य रूप से दो भागो में बाँटा गया है :  ( 1) स्वर (Swar) (2) व्यंजन (Vyanjan) स्वर (Vowels) स्वर तीन प्रकार के होते हैं। (i) ह्स्व स्वर (लघु स्वर)  (ii) दीर्घ स्वर  (iii) प्लुत स्वर  ( i) ह्स्व स्वर - लघु स्वर ऐसे स्वर जिनको बोलने में कम समय लगता है उनको ह्स्व स्वर (Hsv Swar) कहते हैं। इनकी संख्या 4 होती हैं। अ, इ, उ, ऋ  (ii) दीर्घ स्वर ऐसे स्वर जिनको बोलने में अधिक समय लगता है उनको दीर्घ स्वर (Dirgh Swar) कहते हैं। इनकी संख्या 7 होती है। आ, ई, ऊ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ  (iii) प्लुत स्वर अयोगवाह (Ayogvah) यह दो होते हैं। अं, अः अं को अनुस्वार कहते हैं अ: को विसर्ग कहते हैं व्यंजन (Consonants) जिन वर्णों का उच्चारण स्वर की सहायता से होता है उन्हें व्यंजन कहते हैं। ये पाँच प्रकार के होते हैं। (i) स्पर

Current Affairs Question-Answer 2021competitive exams.

Current Affairs Question-Answer 

Hello friends 

2021 for those who are preparing for competitive exams.SSC CGL, IBPS, Patwari Exams are near, I suggest you should practice more and more current affairs questions.the latest happenings of all the topics related.

Que - International Monetary Fund (IMF) has estimated India's economic growth rate to be what percent in this financial year?

Ans - 9.5 percent

Que -  Who among the following has been appointed as an advisor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi?

Ans - Amit Khare
Que - Which of the following country launched the world's first self-driving train?

Ans - Germany

Que - GermanyWho among the following has been appointed as the new Joint Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO)?

Ans- Mira Mohanty

Que -  Recently, which Indian person has become the new chairman of the World Steel Association (WSA)?

Ans - Sajjan Jindal

Que - What is the rank of India in the recently released Global Hunger Index 2021?

Ans - 101st

Que -  The Union Cabinet gave its approval for affiliation of how many government sector as well as private sector schools to Sainik Schools Society?

Ans - 100

Que - The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of which of the following company will be conferred with the prestigious 'CK Prahlad' award this year for 'Global Business Sustainability Leadership'?

Ans - Satya Nadella (Microsoft CEO)

Que - In which city of the state of Haryana has the central government approved to set up a heli hub?

Ans - Gurugram

Que - World Sight Day is celebrated on which of the following days?

Ans - second Thursday of October

Que - International Monetary Fund (IMF) has estimated India's economic growth rate to be what percent in this financial year?

Ans - 9.5 percent

Que - Which diseases are caused by radioactive pollution?

Ans - TB & cancer

Que - Which country is currently the largest emitting country?

Ans - China

Que - Which of the following are measures to control soil pollution?

Ans - Priority should be given to their disposal
Improper use of DDT chemical fertilizers and pesticides should be banned in agriculture
Waste material waste should be properly disposed of

Que - What is called the umbrella of the earth?

Ans - ozone layer

Que - Which of the following measures to control noise pollution?

Ans - Vehicle should be stopped on loud noise

Que - What is the decibel sound of a human whisper?

Ans - 30

Que - Minimata disease is caused by?

Ans - Para

Que - What is soil pollution?

Ans - deterioration in soil quality
temperature due to natural factors
mining operations

Que - When was the Yamuna Action Plan started?

Ans - 1993

Que - When was the Water Pollution Control and Prevention Act made?

Ans - 1974

If you get to learn something from this information given by us, then you can share this post to your friends through social media.

Thank you .


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